mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

Dead to me

They say "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." I agree with them. 
In our own life sometimes we remain disappointed because people hurt us and simply they don't care. And even if you think about it, even if you try to find a reason for their behavior, sometimes there isn't an exeplenation. 
People are selfish, opportunist, cruel just for the pleasure of themselves.
Do you what? I am just arrived in a point of no return. I look back and think about all the time I've wasted to torture myself to try to understand all the cruelties you did to me and I didn't find a reason because I didn't deserve this. I don't reserve the lies, the maliciousness, the exclusion, the bitchiness. 
But in spite of everything I forgave you for all the pain you provoked to me, but it isn't enough, because you are totally changed and became like all others: superficial, annoying and malicious. 
Now I can finally say that I'm fine with myself because I did all I can do to save our friendship, but you didn't want to. So I have given up. And this happened not because of mine, but because of you, because you are an opportunist coward that simply has prefered to follow a better flag.
I'm happy to say that i'm regretless, rancorless, angry less. I know that I can count on few but real and sincere people. I can sleep quiet and peaceful. 
Can you say that too?
I wish you all the best, all you can get in this life, I wish you to keep all the things which you decided to be surrounded by, because they are the only things that remain to you, because you are dead to me.

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